❌ MEV Blocker

Chainpal offers several Anti-MEV solutions to protect your transactions from sandwitch bots and keeps you safe while trading.

To safeguard against Miner Extractable Value (MEV) and sandwich attacks, the Chainpal Bot incorporates several robust strategies:

  1. Private Transaction Pools: Utilizing private transaction pools is an effective way to prevent front-runners from viewing and exploiting your transactions before they are mined, ensuring that your transactions are kept confidential until they are included in a block.

  2. Protect RPC Endpoints: To counter the negative externalities of MEV front-running and sandwiching, traders can send their transactions through a Protect RPC Endpoint. These specialized endpoints offer a layer of protection against MEV bots by bypassing the public mempool.

  3. Custom Slippage Limits: Setting custom slippage limits ensures that your trades are only executed within a predefined price range. This minimizes the risk of sandwich attacks, where attackers attempt to manipulate the price by placing large buy and sell orders around your transaction.

  4. Batch Transactions: Executing multiple transactions as a batch obscures individual transaction details, making it harder for attackers to target specific trades.

By integrating these anti-MEV and sandwich protection measures, the Chainpal Bot ensures that your trades are executed securely and efficiently, protecting your assets from malicious actors while trading.